miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Spaying and Neutering

What Is Spaying and Neutering?
Spaying and neutering are surgical procedures performed by veterinarians that render dogs incapable of breeding by removing their reproductive organs. When a female dog is spayed (also called an ovariohysterectomy), the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus are removed. Neutering commonly refers to the castration of males and the complete removal of their testicles.

What Are the Health Benefits of Spaying and Neutering?
Spayed dogs are less likely to develop breast cancer and will not be at risk for ovarian or uterine tumors. Neutered male dogs will not get testicular cancer and they will have a decreased chance of developing prostate enlargement. By neutering male dogs, you lessen their desire to roam, thus decreasing their risk for injury and transmission of infectious disease.

Why Should I Spay or Neuter My Dog?
In addition to the many health benefits, spaying or neutering your dog ensures that he or she won’t contribute to the pet overpopulation problem. Even an unsterilized dog who lives primarily indoors may escape or break away from a leash on a walk and could mate and produce puppies. Each year, millions of homeless dogs are euthanized or end up in shelters simply due to a lack of good homes.

What Are Some Behavioral Issues Associated with Dogs Who Aren’t Spayed or Neutered?
Both male and female dogs will show general behavior signs such as howling, barking and urine marking. There is also a strong need to roam and find a mate, often leading to fighting.

When Is the Best Time to Spay or Neuter My Dog?
It is generally considered safe for puppies as young as eight weeks of age to be spayed or neutered. In animal shelters, surgery is often performed at this age so that puppies can be sterilized prior to adoption. In an effort to avoid the start of urine marking in male dogs and eliminate the chance of pregnancy, it’s advisable to schedule the surgery before your dog reaches six months of age. It’s possible to spay a female dog while she’s in heat, but not always recommended since she may be susceptible to increased blood loss. Though older dogs can be good candidates for sterilization surgery, your vet can best determine if the procedure can safely be performed. Please check with your veterinarian about the best time to spay or neuter your pet.


What Are Spaying and Neutering?

Spaying and neutering are surgical procedures performed by veterinarians that render cats incapable of breeding by removing their reproductive organs. When a female cat is spayed (also called an ovariohysterectomy), the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus are removed. Neutering results in the castration of males and the complete removal of their testicles.
What Are the Health Benefits of Spaying and Neutering?
Spayed cats are less likely to develop breast cancer and will not be at risk for ovarian or uterine cancer, while neutered males will not get testicular cancer. By neutering male cats, you also reduce the risk of injury and transmission of disease, since intact males have a natural instinct to roam and get into fights with other cats, who may have contagious diseases or parasites.
Why Should I Spay or Neuter My Cat?
In addition to the many health benefits, spaying or neutering your cat ensures that he or she won’t contribute to the feline overpopulation problem. Even a cat who lives indoors may escape and produce kittens if not sterilized. Each year, millions of homeless cats are euthanized or end up in shelters due to a lack of good homes.
What Are Some Behavioral Issues Associated with Cats Who Aren’t Spayed or Neutered?
Although any cat can spray urine to mark territory, intact males are those who most often engage in this behavior. Both intact male and female cats may try to escape their homes to roam outside. When female cats are in estrus (heat), they yowl and attract male cats.
When Is the Best Time To Spay or Neuter My Cat?
It is generally considered safe for kittens as young as eight weeks old to be spayed or neutered. In animal shelters, surgery is often performed at this time so that kittens can be sterilized prior to adoption. In an effort to avoid the start of urine spraying and eliminate the chance for pregnancy, it’s advisable to schedule the surgery before your own cat reaches six months of age. It’s possible to spay a female cat while she’s in heat, but not always recommended since she’s susceptible to increased blood loss. Although older cats can be good candidates, your vet can best determine if the procedure can be safely performed.
What Happens When My Cat Is Spayed or Neutered? Will He or She Act Differently?
After sterilization, your cat may be calmer and less likely to exhibit certain behaviors, but his or her personality will not change. Contrary to myth, a neutered cat does not become lazy and overweight. Fixed males do require fewer calories to maintain their body weight, so please talk to your vet about adjusting your cat’s dietary needs.

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